Board member Larry Sykes asked why the district and three other board members, including himself, were not made aware of its existence in advance of a public announcement that went out Monday night
"It's an elected official's Web site," Mr. Torres told Mr. Sykes. "It is directed toward my positions on education."
I'm sure that Ms. Fisher and Mr. Torres knew they would come upon this type of criticism when they created the site, but I still believe that with or without the entire board backing it, this site is genuinely needed! Hopefully the other board members will also realize the need for this site and join Ms. Fisher and Mr. Torres and show a little bit of unity among the board.
What I cannot believe is the fact that The Blade wrote an article showcasing this criticism! Is The Blade so against any type of improvement or feedback from parents and community members about TPS? It is blatantly obvious that people cannot speak their feelings openly at the board meetings, and most attempts to contact board members and administrators are futile, with exception of one or two. This website gives parents and community members the ability to post their thoughts and feelings, which is something that was way over due, in my opinion.
So check out the above mentioned Toledo Blade article and check out Talking Toledo Public Schools if you haven't already done so!
Thanks for reading!