Sunday, August 27, 2006

13 ABC Bridges Program

Although I am a news junkie, I'm totally unfamiliar with this program, but I happened to catch it today and it was quite interesting.

Today it was hosted by a woman by the name of Doni Miller. The show was directed at the group of concerned parents that are asking students to boycott school at Scott High School the first five days of school as well as important days that attendance is taken for determining the amount of state funding the schools get.

The first half of the show Ms. Miller was talking to John Foley. Mr. Foley was explaining that he does understand where these parents are coming from but that for students to purposely miss school on the days they are being asked to miss will only serve to hurt the school district.

The second half of the show Ms. Miller was talking to a man by the name of Francis Dumbuya who, from what I understand, is leading the group of people asking for the boycott. Mr. Dumbuya was explaining his feelings about why this boycott is necessary and went on to explain that there are more than 6,000 days of school missed by students because of suspensions and B.I.C. days.

Now, I am in no way trying to undermine the reason for this show, but when I heard how many days are being missed because of students being suspended in/out of school I was just blown away! It just makes no sense to me that that amount of days is even possible! I know we're a fairly large sized school district, but that is ALOT of suspensions!

Anyway, I just thought I'd touch base about this show. I'm sure that it's not always about TPS, but you can be assured that I will be tuning into this show weekly! It airs on 13 ABC at 12 noon. Check it out if you can!
Thanks for reading


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


A saw that show too.

”The show was directed at the group of concerned parents that are asking students to boycott school at Scott High School the first five days of school as well as important days that attendance is taken for determining the amount of state funding the schools get.”

I believe that the funding is determined by the “October count.”

Skipping the first five days of school however may present TPS with other logistical problems. It would certainly send a message though.

”Mr. Dumbuya was explaining his feelings about why this boycott is necessary and went on to explain that there are more than 6,000 days of school missed by students because of suspensions and B.I.C. days.”

Believe me that is NOT a lot of suspension days, as some school principals refuse to suspend except for the most serious of offenses.

Schools have changed and the lack of parental discipline and support for the schools is beginning to take its toll.

Formerly infrequent reports of attacks of teachers by students are common-place these days, as are fight amongst students. And, let’s not even talk about the weapons or the drugs…

doni said...

Hi Jo-

I just found your comments as I was playing with my computer. Hope that you are still watching Bridges. If you have any program ideas you'd like to see aired, just call the station-531-1313. Hope your kids are having a good tps experience. Take care! doni